Triple Mosaic Daydream


The details: Other Half Brewing Triple Mosaic Daydream Imperal Oat Cream IPA, 10.5% ABV, served in a 32oz. crowler

Sometimes when I find a beer to write about I have a clear angle on how to start writing. It could be a style of beer I don't see/have often and I find interesting to write about. Other times I have some back story to use as a starting point to typing. Sometimes it's just a cliché. 

This weeks beer doesn't have any fun backstory save for the fact that on many occasions we have tried to reach out to the brewery to reserve some space at their taproom here in Brooklyn, and on each and every occasion they have ignored us. Birthday party where everyone pays you for beer? No answer. Anniversary celebration where everyone drinks their face of? No answer. I guess if you're lucky enough to have a line around the block every weekend when you release a new can you don't have to care that people want to pay you a more traditional visit.

But that's Other Half Brewing for you. They're living the dream. They're putting out IPA after IPA and having every fan boi in Brooklyn come running. Maybe I'm a tiny bit jealous - just a tiny bit - but I get to enjoy their offerings at other local spots and not go wait in a queue. 

So this evening when I walked Bruce over to Gold Star, I looked for something interesting to bring home to write about. I scanned their to go menu and when I saw this, I thought, "well there's someone that's tried to cram ten gallons of shit into a five gallon pail." The country cliché took hold and I brought home a can. Both the full name and the beer are a mouthful.

So Triple Mosaic Daydream is an Imperial Oat Cream IPA. Let's take a moment to break that down:

  • If a beer's been adjuncted with oats, it's going to have a very creamy head (you try saying that and it not sound dirty). When you mix in oats with the other malted barley you get something that lends itself well to creamier tasting beers, usually stouts

  • If it's a cream beer, lactose sugar has been added for the yeast to also feed on. When yeast eat sugars they produce not only alcohol but also many varied byproducts that can change the flavor of beer. You still get tipsy, but it tastes better!

  • If it's an imperial IPA, it's definitely boozy. It's a beer that's been aggressively hopped and is often hazy/cloudy when poured (it kinda resembles orange juice)

This beer is all those clichés and more. It's creamy and foamy, but so clean when you drink it. I hate to talk about mouthfeel, but this beer doesn't hang around - it's not one of those IPA's that coats your tongue so that it feels thick and waxy. It's sweet but not too sweet, which is actually nice for an IPA. It's on the green pine/citrus side of the world with all the Mosaic hops that are in it, but it's not like getting drunk from eating an orange. 

I wanted to say that this beer was too much of a good thing. That it was Other Half trying too hard to come up with yet another IPA. It is both happy and heartbreaking that I report to you that this beer is quite delicious, is on the easier drinking side while still getting one sufficiently tipsy, and is easily available at places that aren't their taproom. Basically, if you see it, try it, because I don't think you'll regret it at all.

The verdict: 4.5 out of 5 (on Untapp'd - follow me @slownumbers to see what I'm drinking)