random beers left in my fridge, Part 3

red dawn.jpg

The details: Carson's Brewery Red Dawn Amber Wheat Ale, 5.5% ABV, 30 IBU, served in a 12oz. bottle

Week three in the fridge and amazingly I haven't run out of beers. This is probably because I've been working large portions of the last two weekends and not been able to sit down and properly enjoy a beer. It's also because I went out to watch the World Cup on Friday, and wasn't quite ready to start knocking them back at 8am on Sunday (because Tottenham wasn't playing).

BTW, I chose my team. Turns out it wasn't all that difficult of a choice.

This week's beer wasn't that hard of a choice. Taking a look at what's left this one grabbed me with it's sort of metal font and the instant memory of a bad 80's movie - that feels more and more possible as time passes.

For the uninitiated, there is no other choice than the 1984 teenagers-turned-guerillas-fighting-Soviets war movie Red Dawn - the first movie to receive a PG-13 rating in the US. It was the story of WWIII; a Soviet invasion into a small town in Colorado (because that's such an obvious military target) where a pack of high schoolers (led by Patrick Swayze) kick ass but eventually get their asses kicked. I feel good in saying that there's no way the 2012 remake lived up to the original, even if it had better effects, Chris Hemsworth, and North Koreans instead of Soviets (for the record: I haven't seen it).

Yeah, none of that could happen these days. There's no way we're going to be invaded by Russia, North Korea, or anyone... right? Hey, if they do, we can have a few bottles of Red Dawn from Carson's Brewery in Evansville, IN, and go kick some ass, yeah?

This amber wheat ale seems to have won two awards in 2014 - a gold at the Great American Beer Festival and a silver award at the World Beer Cup. Not going to knock either of these awards, this beer is certainly deserving. I guess they're just going to ride this as long as they possibly can, and I suppose I would too.

This beer is all about the malt - it makes me think of what might happen if you took your grandparent's favorite candyand made into a beer. It runs roughshod over every other flavor that is in the beer - the label says there's an earth hop flavor but I wouldn't notice it if you didn't tell me to look for it. This is also apparently a wheat beer, but it's so much heavier than what that usually connotes. 

Don't get me wrong - I'm not at all saying I don't like this beer, I do - what I'm really saying is that if you're like my friend Dave and you get this mailed to you in the Craft Beer of the Month Club, you might not want to drink all three of them in a row. Let the invasion come in waves, preferably when it's just a tiny bit cooler out.

The verdict: 3.5 out of 5 (on Untapp'd - follow me there @slownumbers to see what I'm drinking)