#75: "Once more around the sun"

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I've almost done it. I've almost made it one more trip around the sun. It's official tomorrow night at about 10:30pm, but as is custom, I'm going to take the entire day to celebrate.

It seems the trendy thing to do these days is to pick a cause and put up a link on your social media of choice and ask people to donate to it. I'm all for that, but I'm not going to pick one - you are. I'd like to encourage you all to consider giving a few quid to whatever you believe in. I will do the same. While you're at it why not also tell someone about this newsletter? Maybe send them a letter so they can see what it's about? That would be cool.

But that's not all I want for my birthday. I didn't think the list was all that long at first glance, but you know how it goes: you start to think about all the stuff you wish you had and next thing you know you have a list a mile long of items and you know good well you won't get them (at least not for your birthday). Thus, I won't bore you with that, I'll instead bore you with other things.

I have joked that what I want for my birthday is silence, but I know that's not true. I don't like that much quiet and honestly if the kids want to make noise all day tomorrow let them. Less jokingly I'd like to sleep in tomorrow morning, but I also know that's absolutely not going to happen. There are three interesting matches on tomorrow starting at 8am and I'd like to watch, so I'll need to get up and make breakfast and coffee.

One thing I really want for my birthday is to relearn motivation. It's not that I've completely lost it (I do write these letters three times per week), but I find that it has become more difficult to carve out time to remember all the things I enjoy doing. I'd like to find the motivation to practice guitar more. I'd like to find the motivation to read more. I'd like to find the motivation to put the patches I have onto my messenger bag. Everything seems to either take just a bit too long, or I can't do it until after the kids are asleep. 

That's what I'm challenging myself to this next year. It's a new year's resolution when my year starts. Let's hope we all make it once more around the sun to see how it turns out.