#66: "don't you forget about me"

don't you forget about me.JPG

I have so many thing to talk about this week. Most weeks I'm working much harder to think of things to write on Friday. I never realized how many weeks just plod along without having something happen that's interesting enough to write about. I'm not sure if that's just my life or if that's life in general.

First interesting thing: it's spring break this week at school. That wonderful week in the middle of the semester when things go silent in the building, and we're all able to get things done. Now we'll dive back in to the rest of the term and it'll be a race to the finish in May.

Baseball's back, baby! I'm excited to have daily sports to watch and/or listen to. Got to watch most of the first Cubs game of the season - just missed the first pitch home run they started the season off with. Can't wait to see Wrigley (on TV, at least), as that's when the season feels like it's officially started.

But the most interesting thing, and the one that most of you may already know, is that we welcomed a new child into our family this week! His name is Benjamin, he was born on the 28th at 9:44pm, and he was 6lbs. 12oz. Everyone's doing great, if exhausted, and we're all happy to be home together.

Fred's taking it mostly well. He's been enamored with the two six month old babies at his day care. He is so amazingly sweet and nice to them. All his teachers are both shocked that someone his age treats them so well and that he is the one to do it. I have seen him be that way with Bruce, so I can't say I'm completely surprised. But he's young, and a new baby brother is a big change around the house. 

Honestly, the one that I worry the most about is Bruce. I'm an older sibling, and I don't really have memories of a time before my brother was born. Fred will absolutely not remember these times before Ben, but I know that Bruce will. I'm pretty sure that Bruce remembers living with us before Fred was born, and while he's been a trooper, we've all got to make sure that we don't forget about him. He's somewhat able to take care of himself, or maybe I should say he's the only one that won't pee on the carpet if given the chance. 

So there are lots of things changing here at our home. Lots of waking up to feed kids, hoping at least one of them will sleep most of the night. Lots of distraction (and there have been quite a few just in writing this letter tonight). We just can't forget about anyone, especially the dog.