4th Anniversary

4th anniversary.jpg

The details: Other Half Brewing 4th Anniversary Quadruple Dry Hopped Imperial IPA, 10% ABV, served in a 32oz. crowler

This review is not going to have anything else to do with musicals save for the fact that every now and again I'm reminded of that terrible mess Rent when I think of units of time. I'm not going to be able to forget one hundred twenty one thousand six hundred minutes is one year. Ugh, now that song is stuck in my head. I'm going to have to wash it out with some Motörhead or Slayer or something. 

But I must admit, I've been thinking about time leading up to this review. The name of this beer will do that to you - it's Other Half's 4th Anniversary IIPA

It wasn't until I was in college that I had a fourth anniversary with much of anything. I suppose I could count my elementary school (I was there from K-4 which is five years) but after that we moved, then I went to a junior high, and then my high school was only 10-12... I didn't have any relationship that wasn't familial come even close to four years until I was in my thirties, so that's out. My first four year anniversary was with William and Mary, where I stayed for five years while I tried to figure out what to do with my life.

I've had two jobs last longer than four years - my work at UR and my current work at MMC. A job is a job, though, and honestly it's jobs like these two that will drive one to drink the beers that I now review on a weekly basis.

I've also only ever had one relationship last at least four years. Until grad school all my relationships had been somehow ruled by the number three (months, years), but I met my wife in January of 2013 and recently we both noted that it'd been five years since that fateful night at Grassroots Tavern (which is now closed and I'm heartbroken).

Luckily for those of us that enjoy craft IPAs we can celebrate the 4th anniversary of Brooklyn's Other Half Brewing, located in the most awkwardly difficulty to get to spot under the Fort Hamilton Parkway. If you've ever driven by there on the weekend you've seen the lines of people that stretch down the block waiting for whatever can release they've got on. I am actually OK that I've never stood in that line.

Yesterday I stopped by my local crowler spot and picked up a fresh can of 4th Anniversary on the recommendation of the owner, and he was spot on - this beer is as big as the full name is long. It's an aggressively quad dry hopped imperial IPA, which is a mouthful to say and to drink. But goodness it's so good - it started out a little tart like grapefruit, and as I've found my way further in to the can it's mellowed into something more like orange/blood orange. The best thing about the beer - it doesn't taste boozy even though it's 10%. It is so surprisingly easy drinking that it should come with an "under the table" warning - too much of it and you'll end up drunk under the table.

It's not a perfect beer, but it's close - it's potent but easy on the palate, it's juicy and tart but stays away from crusher and from boozy sharpness. To be perfectly honest, if this beer were in the high 6's or 7's it would be very close to a 5 in my book.

The verdict: 4.5 out of 5 (on Untapp'd - follow me @slownumbers to see what I'm drinking)